Pippa started life in a dramatic fashion and continued to be accident prone for the first 12 months of her life. In Sept 2006 I decided to go to the Northern NSW Staffford Speciality Show in Newcastle . Dotty was in whelp but not due to whelp until the following week. We travelled all day from Newcastle on the Monday after the show to Kyneton where I planned on staying the night. My husband Wayne had been in Kyneton for the weekend and left to go home around 7.00 on the Monday night leaving Dotty and the other kids there to spend the night with their mum as I expected to be home around 9.00 pm. When I arrived Dotty was sitting on the couch with her paws crossed - looked at me and went straight to my bed where she promptly went into labour. Well you can imagine my panic - no whelping box nothing prepared as she wasn't due for another week and we had everything set up in Melbourne in anticipation. However Dotty knew where she wanted to have them and that was on the bed!!!
Not sure if it has a connection but to this day that bed is still Pippas favourite place to sleep. When I can't find her 9 times out of ten she is curled up on the bed she was born on .
Pippa was very cute from the beginning ( as all puppies are ) but firstly she had a problem at around 3 months with a grass seed in her face. She had an operation to have it removed and still has the scars to this day. Next she started limping and this was due to a fracture in her hock. The only way to recover from this was rest and confinement - much easier to say then to do with a 6 month old stafford puppy. When I finally thought I could take her to a show without limping she broke a bone in her foot.
In between these accidents she did go to a few shows and managed second in puppy bitch class at the Sporting Terrier Club Championship Show June 2006 under Alan Small Breed Specialist ( Bethane Prefix ) UK
*Lovely headed black brindle with nice feminine expression, neat ears, correct bite, ample bone, nice body for her age.*

In March 2008 I took Pippa now in junior bitch class to her first show in some time and she was awarded Bitch Challenge at the Bendigo Kennel Club Show under terrier specialist Ms Jill McDonald. ( Ch Boldhart Hardheartd Hannah taking RCC )
Her next outing - WOW ! Excitement Plus!! It was a real thrill to win on 2 consequetive days in our first outing as an intermediate under breed specialists and against such strong competition.
- ACT & District Staffordhire Bull Terrier Championship Show 29th March 2008
- Judge Mr J Byrnes Breed Specialist ( Lackyle Prefix ) Ireland
1st Intermediate Bitch Class & Opposite Intermediate in Show ( 20 class entries )
- ACT & District Stffordshire Bull Terrier Club Championship Show 30th March 2008
- Judge Mr F Gadd Breed Specialist ( Gadkkey Prefix ) UK
1st Intermediate Bitch Class & Opp Intermediate in Show ( 20 class entries)
We are now looking forward to an injury free and successful show career. If not she is an absolute delight to live with and a part of our family.
 ACT & Dist Staffordshire Bull Terrier Club
Championship Show 30/3/08
Judge: Mr F Gadd ( Gadkey UK )
Intermediate in Show : Boldhart Paint Thtown Red
Opp Intermediate in Show Boldhart Cause U Love Me
 Pippa March 2008 |