Hugo has the most wonderful nature - "Huggy Hugo" we call him. As you would guess he loves to cuddle and tries to pinch my pillow every night.
Hugo started his show career with baby puppy dog at the SBTCV Champ Show in 1995 under UK specialist Colin Smith.
He has always been a consistent winner under breed specialists excelling in Stafford type and correct size. He has an excellent head with a beautiful round eye. Hugo gained his title in style and always in competition with his big brother Booker.
The winner of many best in group class in group and in show awards the highlight of his career was winning Best in Show at the 1998 Staffordshire Bull Terrier Club of Victoria championship show under Harry Coble (Surestaff) UK - at the time an Australian record entry.

Although used at limited stud he has passed his qualities of strong bone and breed type to his progeny being the sire of many outstanding staffords .
Including 10 Champions:
- Ch Boldhart Basil Rathbone
- Ch Faemount Fatal Attraction,
- Ch Faemount Fife N Drum,
- Ch Ourgang That Ol BlacMagic,
- Ch Topchart Real McCoy,
- Ch Sevilara Merlins Magic,
- Ch Sevilara Rebel Rouser,
- Ch Taubeck Sam Brown,
- Ch Taurbeck Bronson
- Tracking Ch Boldhart Barkis Biggins
Boldhart Jemima Pudlduk owned by Fiona & David Lowe became known as “Queen of Reserves” – Winning 36 Reserve Challenges. Finally she had her way and became Queen of the Couch !